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What’s Aging Your Skin?

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Skin Procedures Denver, COThe fact of the matter is we’re all going to age. One day, you’re bound to notice that there are a few lines around your nose and mouth, or around your eyes, or on your forehead. Wherever the signs of aging appear, they can present more frustration than we care to admit. We’ve come to a point in history where aging is something we can treat with surgical and non-surgical methods. Additionally, we have more knowledge about what causes the skin to age. This knowledge is valuable because it can help us postpone aging until the very last minute.

The Uncontrollable

There are several reasons why we may age the way we do. Of a long list, the one factor that is somewhat beyond our control is our genetic background. The body naturally produces enzymes that have an antioxidant effect on cells and damaged DNA. This production of enzymes is inherent to the unique genomes that run through our family lineage.

The Controllable

Luckily, there are more factors in our control than not. These include:

  • Sun exposure. Research has shown that UV exposure – that means natural sunlight and tanning beds – is responsible for 80% of the aging that shows up on the skin. And that relates to general outdoor time like walking the dog or gardening. Days spent at the pool without adequate sunscreen exacerbate the effects of sun exposure. Bottom line: wear sunscreen.
  • Sleep deprivation. You know that old saying “you’ll get plenty of sleep when you’re dead”? Well, the mindset that we’ve got to be on Go all the time can do more harm than good. Sleep is vital to immunity, to our mood, and also to our aging process. It is when we reach states of deep sleep that the body produces growth hormones that repair DNA damage, including that which affects the skin.
  • Alcohol. The idea that red wine offers certain health benefits is not wrong, but it has led to a tad bit of overuse. Red wine, or any type of alcohol poses a risk of dehydration that can show up on the skin. In addition to robbing the skin of vital hydration, alcohol consumption also depletes vitamin A, which negatively impacts collagen production.
  • Aging is going to happen. Good habits may prolong the appearance of youth and may be perfectly complemented by professional treatments. In our Denver office, a variety of strategies may be found. From chemical peels to injectables to lifting procedures, we have options for all stages of aging. Call 303-399-7662 for more information.