Will a Breast Lift Last?
For years, studies have suggested that breast procedures have a lot to offer. Women interested in a procedure like a breast lift tend to know this on some level and yet questions about things like recovery and results still arise. We understand why. Plastic surgery necessitates an investment of time and money. Who doesn't want to know that they can expect a substantial reward for their input? So, is breast lift surgery worth it? Yes, even though the effects of aging will affect breast shape at some point in the future.
The Reason for Sagging Breasts
It often seems as though we naturally point a finger at pregnancy and breastfeeding as primary causes for changes to the breasts. There is some validity to this but there are other factors that can lead to breast sag. Aging is one of them. Body chemistry is another, and then there is the matter of muscle tone. Seeing just these few factors, we can identify ways to support long-term shapeliness after breast lift treatment.
Aging and body chemistry go together like peas in a pod. We say that aging is a primary factor in the skin losing elasticity and firmness. However, the direct reason that this happens is that the older body doesn't produce collagen like it did when it was younger. Collagen is the protein that gives skin its firmness and resiliency. Firmness and resiliency inhibit thinning and sagging, which means that collagen is an important factor in breast shape. Aging cannot be stopped, we all know that, but we can offset some of the effects of aging by supporting body chemistry. when it comes to collagen production, the magic ingredient is vitamin C. This vitamin can be taken orally every day and can also be applied to the skin for extended benefits.
Muscle tone is not something many women are interested in having on their chest. However, there is value in maintaining a slight degree of tightness in the pectoral muscles that lie beneath breast tissue. We're not suggesting that these muscles be built-up but that they are toned with basic exercises like planks or push-ups. When toned, the pectoral muscles support the height of the breasts on the chest wall.
Schedule a consultation at Berschof Plastic Surgery to learn more about the benefits of breast lift surgery.
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